Creativity in Community Sharing Project 2023

Glass Painting Workshop at 3 Space International House 2023

Glass Painting Workshop at 3 Space International House 2023

Glass Painting produced at workshop at 3 Space International House

Glass Painting Workshop at 3 Space International House 2023

The Creativity in Community Sharing Project followed on from Phase II Jubilee Bunting Project working with the same stakeholders in the Brixton North area; building on from the foundation that has now been developed, activities on a more sustainable footing.
The participating stakeholders included,
Lambeth Vocational Services, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Support people 18-65 with mental health issues to become more included in the community.
Community Trust based on the Stockwell Park Estate (1500 dwelling). Formed in 1994 as a response to high crime, a demoralised and de-motivated community.
Helmi House extra care scheme (46 flats with onsite carers). Support predominantly older people with mobility issue.
All were severely impacted during the pandemic being unable to deliver live activities. “Feeling of isolation and being ignored” as was highlighted at Healthwatch Lambeth "Let's Get Connected" event 2016. These feeling were amplified during the pandemic.
All the organisations recognise the values of having Art activities that promotes health
and wellbeing. To have activities breaking down barriers allowing people who do normally interact working and socialising and feeling stronger together so they can feel a part of the community.

Glass Painting Workshop at Stockwell Park Community Trust

Glass Painting Workshop at Stockwell Park Community Trust

Glass Painting Workshop at Stockwell Park Community Trust

Glass Painting Workshop at Stockwell Park Community Trust

Glass Painting Workshop at Stockwell Park Community Trust
Visit to Horniman Museum and Gardens
On the 14 July 2023 there was a organise visit to the Horniman Museum for users of Stockwell Park Community Trust. This was in collaboration with Community Engagement department of the Horniman Museum and Gardens..

Exhibition Display
There has been an ongoing exhibition display of workshops at Stockwell Park Community Trust

Workshop participants with their framed Framed Glass Paintings Artwork

Workshop participants with their framed Framed Glass Paintings Artwork

Artist of the Month event

Workshop participants with their framed Framed Glass Paintings Artwork
Exhibition at the Platform