Inclusion Arts operates as a Constituted Management Committee that implements intergenerational art projects with community engagement. The majority of the projects are workshop led with creative activities, often collaborating with health professionals and other professionals, raising awareness around Health and Wellbeing.
Inclusion Arts first official project was Creativity in Wellbeing in 2015/16. There was a collaboration with key stakeholder in the Loughborough Junction area of Lambeth, which has officially been recognised as having some of the most deprived areas in London.
To encourage lifestyle changes in an area of severe deprivation was a challenge and a thrust of the project. Poverty can be linked with various health issues such as obesity, that can be a direct outcome of food poverty. Engaging with participants in a creative way with contributions of a qualified Nutritionist and Gardeners (Community Food Growers) was how the project set about tackling these concerns collectively demonstrating how lifestyle changes can help contribute to their Health and overall Wellbeing. Designs from the creative workshops were reproduced onto printed recipe cards, with the recipes drawn up by the qualified Nutritionist.
Jason Gibilaro who has a background in managing highly successful Award Winning Public Art Projects with community engagement has project managed the majority of the projects to date. He was also Inclusion Arts Open Project Night Ambassador for Open Project Night held at Impact Hub Brixton 16/18. Part of the Hub team to make Open Project Night as diverse, welcoming and exciting as possible and to promote Open Project Night for Lambeth community groups and community businesses.
Areas covered in the recent collaborative projects have included:
Community Food Growing
Diet and Nutrition
Mental Health
Isolation and Loneliness
Food Waste
Community Sharing
Dental Health Children 0-3
Workshop Program
The Workshop Program is paramount to all of Inclusion Arts projects. It encourages of interaction with workshop participants encourages them to have influence in shaping the project.
IImage: Workshop at the Platform Space in the Creativity in Wellbeing Project 2016
All abilities
All abilities are welcome and encourage to participate.
Image: Workshop at the Max Roach Centre , Creativity in Dental Health Project 2020
Strength in Diversity
All projects aim to represent the cultural diversity of an area and be intergenerational.
Jason Gibilaro has also worked with 17-24-30 No Hate Crime Organisation in setting up a School Educational Project to tackle Hate crime at an early age.
Image: Workshop at the Stockwell Park Community Trust in the Creativity in Community Sharing Project 2019
Empowerment through Creativity
Participants are encouraged to empower themselves through the workshop program in achieving their maximum potential. Seeing it form the basis of visible outputs that have included: permanent art installations, posters and health promotional material, healthy-eating recipe cards and leaflets can create a sense ownership acting a testament to their input.
Image: Workshop at the Stockwell Park Community Trust in the Creativity in Community Sharing Project 2019